Local NAACP Opposes Go Forward

The Pine Bluff NAACP voted last Thursday to oppose Go Forward Pine Bluff and the new tax they are proposing. More information can be found at https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2023/mar/11/naacp-branch-opposes-go-forward-pb-tax-proposals/

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Vote May 9th

In an unscheduled meeting on February 24th in the basement of the city building, the Pine Bluff City Council voted to hold an election on May 9th to raise and extend the tax that Go Forward Pine Bluff has been monopolizing for the last 7 years. The City Council vote barely passed, and the Mayor had to vote to suspend the rules to read each of the 4 motions, 3 times. Several people from the community spoke against Go Forward Pine Bluff, while a few with close ties to GFPB spoke for it.

This contentious issue was pulled from the well attended, regularly scheduled meeting that was held just 3 days prior.

You can see that meeting here: https://fb.watch/j3eNqVDZL4/

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GFPB Surprise Election

On February 9th GFPB called an unscheduled meeting to ask for a special election to renew it’s funding. This was just 2 days after the other unscheduled meeting they called to get approval to spend 24 Million Dollars! That meeting was called the day after the regularly scheduled council meeting.

GFPB is operating with no oversight, and no accountability for their spending. It’s clear that they run this town, and they must be stopped.

read more in the Arkansas Democratic Gazzette:


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